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Feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions or need further information about our services. We are here to help you secure your organization and achieve your security goals.

RISC provides a wide range of security and intelligence services, including Security & Intelligence, Analysis and Surveillance, Corporate Guard & Intelligence Estimate, Security Survey & Assessment, Geoinformation & Mapping, and Consultancy & Training. Each service is tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients, ensuring comprehensive security solutions.

Our team consists of highly trained and experienced professionals from military, law enforcement, and intelligence backgrounds. We use state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies, adhere to international standards, and continuously invest in staff development and training to ensure the highest level of quality and professionalism.

RISC is headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria and serves clients across various regions within the country. Our extensive network and local expertise allow us to provide tailored security solutions that address specific regional challenges and requirements.

Our Security & Intelligence services are unique due to our comprehensive approach that combines advanced technological solutions with human intelligence. We focus on proactive threat identification, continuous monitoring, and tailored security strategies to provide a robust and dynamic security framework for our clients.

We prioritize the confidentiality and integrity of all intelligence data. Our protocols include stringent access controls, encryption, and secure data storage solutions. Only authorized personnel have access to sensitive information, ensuring that your data remains protected at all times.

We utilize a range of advanced surveillance technologies, including high-definition CCTV cameras, thermal imaging, motion detectors, and unmanned aerial vehicles (drones). These technologies enable us to provide comprehensive monitoring and detailed analysis to enhance security.

Yes, our surveillance systems are designed to provide real-time monitoring and alerts. Our operations center is staffed 24/7 to ensure continuous surveillance and immediate response to any security incidents.

Our corporate guards undergo a rigorous selection process and comprehensive training program that includes physical security tactics, emergency response, customer service, and continuous professional development. This ensures they are well-prepared to handle a variety of security challenges.

An intelligence estimate is a detailed analysis that forecasts potential security threats and vulnerabilities. It provides strategic insights and actionable recommendations to help your organization anticipate and mitigate risks, thereby enhancing your overall security posture.

A security survey and assessment involve a thorough examination of your existing security measures, identification of potential vulnerabilities, and evaluation of risks. We provide a detailed report with strategic recommendations to enhance your security infrastructure.

It is recommended to conduct a security assessment at least annually or whenever significant changes occur within your organization, such as relocation, expansion, or after a security incident. Regular assessments help ensure that your security measures remain effective and up-to-date.

Our geoinformation and mapping services are beneficial for urban planning, infrastructure management, natural resource monitoring, environmental conservation, security operations, and emergency response planning. Accurate geographic information enhances decision-making across various applications.

We use advanced geospatial technologies, such as GIS, remote sensing, and satellite imagery, along with rigorous quality control processes to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our maps and geospatial data.

We offer a wide range of training programs, including security awareness, cybersecurity, leadership development, crisis management, operational security, and specialized tactical training. Our programs are customized to meet the specific needs of your organization.

Our consultancy services provide expert guidance on developing and implementing effective security strategies. We conduct thorough assessments, identify risks, and offer tailored recommendations to enhance your security framework, ensuring that your organization is well-protected against potential threats.

You can request a consultation or get a quote by contacting us through our website, emailing us at, or calling our office at +2349133876685. Our team will be happy to discuss your needs and provide detailed information about our services.

Yes, we offer emergency response services as part of our comprehensive security solutions. Our rapid response teams are trained and equipped to handle various emergency situations, ensuring the safety and security of your organization.

We continuously invest in research and development, attend industry conferences, and collaborate with leading security experts and technology providers. This ensures that we stay at the forefront of security trends and technologies, offering our clients the most advanced and effective solutions.

Secure Your Future with RISC? Let’s get started.

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